Tuesday, March 08, 2005

The Present Historical Church

The more read in Church history, the more I am amazed that there is a church at all. The more I read in Church history, the more I see the hand of God. The more I read in Church history, the more confident and assured I become of God's grace to us all, but especially to those called by Christ's name.

While I've not done extensive reading and research, it seems to me that most of the divisions that have occurred in the Church have NOT been due to theological differences. For the most part, it has been the pride and arrogance of sinful human beings that have successfully divided the church again and again and again. And it's not much different today. The main reason why people leave this church to go to that church isn't because of theology or doctrine or dogma. The main reason is - again - the arrogance and pride of sinful human beings.

In the middle of the 11th century there occurred what has been called "The Great Schism." It was the "official" division between the Church in the West (Rome) and the Church in the East (Constantinople). There were a number of issues that surrounded this division. There was the issue of from whom the Holy Spirit proceeds - from the Father alone (as per the Orthodox Church) or from both the Father and the Son (as per the Western Church). There was the issue of the Pope - the first among equals (Orthodox view) or vicar of Jesus Christ (Roman Catholic view). And there were other issues as well. But none of these really kept the east and the west apart so much. While they were clear on their respective convictions, each respected the other and maintained communion with each other. But when a representative of the pope was sent in 1054 to the Patriarch of Constantinople, the two basically told each other, "This is the way it's going to be and if you don't like it, lump it!" The Roman representative excommunicated eastern patriarch and the patriarch excommunicated the Roman rep.

What's different today?

I have a lot of issues with a lot of my Christian brothers and sisters. I have very strong opinions about what I believe constitutes a Spirit empowered lifestyle and worship that conflicts with many other Christians' perceptions. For the most part, I fairly convinced that you who are reading this may very well be a Christian, but if you want to be a better Christian, you just have to be a little more like me. And there are very few of us who think differently.

I hate this way of thinking. Where is the grace!! If God has lavished his grace on us (as we're told in Ephesians 1:7-8) then why do we act so ungraciously towards each other?! You would have thought that after 2000 years we'd be a lot close to getting it right - but we're not.

O God, have mercy on us. Forgive us for misrepresenting you so heinously in this world. If there is ANYBODY in this world we should be able to love it should be our brothers and sisters in Christ. Why are we so intent on destroying them if they disagree with us? O Lord, purge the evil from within us. Let there be renewal and revival in the Church. May your Spirit flood over us like a tsunami, washing away all the filth and garbage in our lives. And if it takes the things that are most precious to us, maybe we can be filled with the things that are most precious to You.


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