Thursday, December 01, 2005

Reflecting on Advent

I have to admit that I really like the season Advent. This is not the same as Christmas. Don’t get me wrong… I like Christmas. But I really do like Advent. Maybe it’s because I grew up and then spent so many years in the Church without ever knowing about Advent. Oh, I’d heard the name, but I just thought Advent was sort of “pre-Christmas.” It is that – but it’s far more than that.

For example, the first Sunday and the first week of Advent, we focus on the coming of the Christ. This isn’t just about remembering the coming of the Christ-child 2000 years ago. It’s remembering that Christ is going to be returning. It’s about remembering that life on this planet is not primarily a party but a work to prepare for the time when our Lord returns to establish his heavenly kingdom fully and finally throughout all creation.

I love thinking about that – not to get lost in it to such an extent that “now” doesn’t matter. (Of course it matters!) But there is hope – no matter how bad things may be now, not matter how badly our best laid plans may turn out, God’s plans will ultimately prevail. All I need to do is align my plans with his. That will determine what I do now both in broad, general ways and in very specific, detailed ways. It determines what is “good” and what is “bad,” what is “right” and what is “wrong.”

So much of the time I am easily distracted by the things that are limited to this world alone. And anybody with an honest bone in their body will admit that there is more to life than just what this world can offer – certainly far more than we comprehend through only our five physical senses. But so much in this world seems to demand that we give it our attention. Advent reminds me that I don’t have to give in to those demands. What I think about during Advent gradually works its way into my mind and heart throughout the rest of the year, throughout the rest of my life. I love being reminded of what I already know to be true because I forget it so often.

This is one of the reasons I so appreciate and enjoy Advent.

About a year ago (yep, it was this time last year) that I first read a snippet from St. Bernard (I believe an abbot of 12th century France) about Christ coming in three ways. Posted below is the reading.


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