Okay, maybe I've been a bit hard on the so-called mega-churches. Maybe.
Perhaps one of the things we might learn from them is that, if we
(Christians) are going to communicate the message of the gospel to whatever
culture in which we happen to find ourselves, we must use the "tools" that
culture has available - the "language" they use.
But... (you knew there was going to be a "but", didn't you?)
But my point really isn't about how outreach, evangelism and missions is
being done. My point is that worship is not evangelism. It's not outreach.
It's not that I'm opposed to unbelievers being present in the worship
service but when we tailor worship to be "palatable" to the unbeliever -
regardless of the cultural setting - then we really need to ask: What is the
purpose of worship - specifically corporate worship?
I cannot speak for other faiths or religions. I can speak for Christians
and for the Church, however. Historically, worship has been for the
believer. Period. Worship never was something the Church "used." It is
something God's Spirit uses - not so much like a "tool" as it is a
"breathable atmosphere." Christian worship is like a husband and wife
making love to each other. It's the act of "making love" but it's also more
than the act itself. It is the bonding of two hearts, two souls that are
totally committed to each other - exclusively to each other and to no one
Sadly, many churches have made their so-called worship a theatre
performance, a concert, a "Your Best Life Now" instruction series, a
twelve-step program, a call to "come and get it." It's something THEY have
made... and not something the Spirit has made.
Worship is, as one song says, "all about you, Jesus." I fear that Jesus has
often been left out of the worship service - and not even missed. I recall
the words of one Christian (non-American) visiting a prayer meeting I was at some years
ago: "It's amazing what the Church in America has been able to accomplish...
Without any help at all from the Spirit."
And I wonder... How much success I have attained in even my own life without
any help from the Spirit? "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain
the whole world, and lose his own soul?" (Mark 8:36)
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
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