Sunday, December 23, 2007


So I wrote that I was struggling with the Assumption of Mary. Hmmm. My struggle seems to have subsided a good bit. I received a recommendation to read Dwight Longenecker's book on Mary. (Actually, he wrote to me himself and recommended his book.) I did just that. Not only has it helped me in understanding much of the Roman Catholic understanding of Mary but their approach to scripture and some other things as well. In fact, I find not only Rome's approach to Mary (in terms of stated dogma) acceptable but even wonderful. I find myself frequently talking to Mary. Not only is she the mother of my Lord but she is also MY mother.

The only problem I have, at this point, is with the excesses practiced by some. It is easy, I think, for some to get carried away with Mary, giving her a place that is reserved solely for her Son. But those are excesses and not official teaching of the Church. Excesses are, of course, to be avoided. But excesses are not best avoided by throwing out everything just to avoid any possibility of contamination - which is, it seems, what much of the Protestant Church has done.

Advent has been so helpful for me this year. Mary has been on my mind much. And what I've been pondering is how she, along with Joseph, raised Jesus. Imagine how daunting the task - to protect, raise, train and teach God the Son! Yet Mary's approach, her heart was Let it be... Apparently, she did a great job. In fact, I'd call it miraculous.

Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you. Pray for me.


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