Friday, January 20, 2006

By Their Fruit

Click on the title of this post to see the Barna article referred to in my comments.

Okay, Barna says that there are a lot of pastors who think their churches and, apparently, the nation is in pretty good spiritual health. He says that most pastors think that about 3/4 of the people in their congregations place God as #1 in their lives but that only about15% of those congregants poled agreed.

Who are these pastors who think that 3/4 of the people they see every week are really spiritually healthy? The reality, it seems to me, is fairly obvious. Look at how most people in the Church in America live! What do they spend their time doing? On what do they spend their money? About what do they dream?

When kids from "really good," church-going, Christian homes kill their girlfriend's parents, this ought to be some sort of clue. Granted, not every "really good," church-going, Christian does that kind of thing - or anything even really close to it. The point is that people can talk 'til their blue in the face. "Truth" that is heard but never seen lacks something.

Jesus said, "By their fruit you shall know them."


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