Thursday, September 14, 2006

Even If It Does "Moo"

In Colorado a few months ago, the Gill Foundation sponsored ads in order to
(as they claim) get people thinking and talking (again) about the debate on
whether or not homosexuality is or is not genetic. Their advertisements
centered around a cute puppie that said "Moo" instead of "Aarff."

And if there really is a gene that predisposes a person to alcoholism, does
that make it okay for him/her to get drunk?

And if there really is a gene that predisposes a person to homicidal
behavior, should we adjust our laws (let alone our morality) to let him/her
do what is "only natural"?

Even if a dog really does moo instead of barks, does that make the dog a

Yes, Virginia, there really is such a thing as a stupid question.


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