Four Resolutions
My library (a wall in my study at home) is filled with books that describe what it means to follow Jesus. And, I suppose, it's a library that could be added to hundreds of times over with more books describing what it means to follow Jesus.
I haven't actually made resolutions for I-don't-know-how-long. Based on my prayers for the past several years, though, here is my list of "resolutions" for myself - not just for 2008 but for the rest of my life.
1) Wisdom. It's not just saying clever things to people or choosing healthy foods and exercise, it's also taking the risk to do the right thing when the expected thing is so much more appealing but contrary. Jesus had the knack, not just of saying and doing the right thing, he had the personal context, a foundation for those things. He knew the scriptures, he knew the history of God's work in the world, and he was wholly devoted to God's purposes and plans. Nothing deterred him... not discomfort (emotional or physical), not social ostracization, not even death. Wisdom is the right thing even though something else might feel better or be easier (emotionally or physically). My resolution is to chose wisdom in every conscious choice.
2) Humility. God is a humble God. Again, we see this in Jesus most clearly. Those earliest Christians sang a hymn that included this: Even though he was the form of God he did not deem equality with God something to be grasped. Rather he emptied himself and took the form of a slave, in the likeness of Man. And in that form, humbled himself even further by submitting to death, even death on a cross. (Philippians 2) It means accepting every difficulty and obstacle to my ideas and goals as the perfect opportunity to rest in the gracious sovereignty of God. My resolution is to devote myself to making the honor of God the focus of all I do, all I desire, of every choice I make.
3) Hope. 21st century western civilization is fast becoming - and may already be - a culture of hopelessness. We're full of wishful thinking but our only expectation seems to be the Preacher's mantra - this, too, is futile and pointless. (See Ecclesiastes) Jesus demonstrated that there is, indeed, one hope, one reason, one purpose, one goal for which to strive - the honor and glory of God. Hope isn't just an idea; it is an actively pursued attitude. My resolution is to ground my hope not just in the scriptures but in the very Word of God - and that Word being incarnate. It also includes avoiding those things that feed a false or defective hope.
4) Love. Is this too obvious? Jesus simply loved people. Being God, he loved - and loves - people supremely. The right understanding and practice of love comes directly from God and most clearly demonstrated to us in his Incarnation. Jesus is Love Incarnate. My resolution is that I will love each person with whom I connect better this year - love when it is inconvenient, love when it costs me, love for the sake of the one to be loved and not my sake, love because that is what it means to be made in the image and likeness of God. What is greater?
Sounds pretty lofty, doesn't it? Sounds like I'm probably going to fail a lot, huh? Sounds nigh unto impossible to achieve. Actually, I probably will fail a lot... but I'm depending on the grace and mercy of God both when I do fail and for lots of times of success. Perhaps, if I can strive for some activity each day that is a manifestation of at least one of these, I can begin to string together a whole series of activities that develop into habits consistent with these resolutions. It's the habits that develop the life.
At 52 (nearly 53) it seems most daunting... but at 52 (nearly 53) I have no more time to fool around - less today then yesterday and even less tomorrow.
Daunting perhaps, but excellent goals. They inspire a few half-formed thoughts and questions.
What is particularly wonderful (and effective) about how you have stated these 4 resolutions is that you have set each of them as positives to reach for. I have become persuaded that the way to seek and see real change come into our lives and attitudes is to set the attribute before ourselves as a model, if you will, and pray to that end. This as opposed to setting the negative (what we do not want to become) before us, as many do. I have every confidence that you will grow in these characteristics of Jesus as you live out the rest of your years.
I have the sense that there is a a direct link between Humility and Love and that one is not possible without developing in the other. Or maybe the more positive way of thinking about it is that as one grows, so does the other at the same time.
And I am intrigued by your last sentence about Hope... avoiding those things that feed a false or defective hope. I am curious as to what you meant by that...
Thanks for your words and thoughts.
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